Thursday, October 28, 2010

America’s Sport Fans

For professional sport teams to exist there must be fans, or people willing to pay often outrageous amounts of money for a ticket to see the competition. Why do Americans go to professional sport games when (in almost every instance) one can get a better view of all the action by watching television? I think it has to do with the idea of one being in the presence of a truly talented and influential person. Everyone wants to say they were at the Yankee stadium when Alex Rodriguez hit his 600th homerun. Americans love being apart of history, and having a good story to tell to friends and family. If one watch’s on TV the homerun hit by Alex Rodriguez, thousands of people have seen the exact same homerun via television, but if one is actually at the game, the number of people who had that same experience is drastically reduced.

What does all this have to do with sport humor? Well, I first had to rationalize why people attend professional sport games before I can analyze this young sport's fan holding an obnoxious sign above his head. In bold words the sign reads The Guy Behind Me Can’t See, and just bellow the sign one sees the boy’s grinning face, staring right at the photographer. If one is paying to see a professional game, the last thing needed is a person, much less poster obstructing his view. This picture is humorous because it creates irony. Why does the poster have to say it is obstructing the view of the spectator when this is so obvious?

This picture gives us some insight into a hidden truth about many Americans; they consider their own enjoyment first, before the enjoyment of others. This boy is having fun at someone else's expense. Perhaps he has been the victim of not being able to see due to someone else's sign. Now, through humor or the irony of the situation, he has his moment in the lights. Someone might suggest that everyone all over the world makes sure they are having fun before the fun of others. Americans are on a different level. We love to take control of any and all situations. If a room is too cold, we will just turn up the heat. If a boy is holding an irritating sign blocking our view of a playing field, we can do nothing. Not being able to correct a situation is what annoys Americans the most. Americans love to be in control.

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