Saturday, September 11, 2010


Why would anyone find this dangling calamity funny? I found this picture on the web of a man who's parachute got caught on the forefingers of an immense, pristine looking statue, called Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro. At this point, my reader might be crying “Stop, Stop, Stop, parachuting is not a sport!” I would beg to differ. According to a sport is 1) “a source of diversion: recreation” 2) “physical activity engaged for pleasure.” So, (I am sorry skeptics) parachuting is a sport; in fact it is one of the mast dangerous and daring of all sports! I might be among those “sick humor” people who find this picture funny, but I have multiple reasons to justify why this picture might draw a chuckle to many a face.

How smart and sporty is this man? The mere fact that he got himself hooked on such a gigantic object as this statue is no small feat. In fact, this statue is 130 ft tall! This is the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. On July 7, 2007 it was named one of the new Seven Wonders of the World. This begs me to ask another question; is this man trying to become the Eighth Wonder of the World by making such a spectacle of himself? Due to his lack of skill, stupidity, and ill luck he hooked himself on the outstretched arm of Christ the Redeemer. Many Americans believe that if someone makes a mistake because of his own incompetence or circumstance beyond his control, he is fair game for laughter. The American lifestyle is one of striving to be the best and most successful. Any person who dramatically fails at attaining success is subjected to humiliation through ridicule and humor albeit at times subtle.

The second reason (now that he has gotten himself stuck) why some Americans find this picture humorous is because that cute and cuddly man hanging there looks like a baby or toy doll! The way his arms and legs are outstretched make him resemble a baby who got himself somehow hung on the corner to his crib. He is just ridiculous looking! Americans find humor in just about anything that is out of the norm.

What makes this picture especially paradoxical is the statue on which the parachute has landed. It is not just the size and position of the statue, but the fact that it is Christ the Redeemer. While Christ the Redeemer may have in fact saved this parachuter from a worse fate, it could also be said that he has ensnared him, causing him to dangle helplessly. Americans love ironic circumstances; comparing and contrasting what has happened, and what ought to have happened.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think he's "dangling" at all. This is BASE jumper Felix Baumgartner attempting the lowest jump ever recorded. I could be wrong, but based on the video, it looks like he attached a cord to the statue's hand, using it to open his chute at just the right time. The image above is just a skillfully-timed photo, captured a millisecond or two before the main chute deployed. Check out the video.
